About Fetch a lot

Hey There!

I'm Curtis, just a 13-year-old dude with a cool idea. Ever tried playing fetch with a dog using a regular frisbee? Well, my dog Logan wasn't a fan. The hard plastic? Totally not his thing. So, being the inventive teen that I am, I thought, "Why not make something better?"

That's how FETCH A LOT came to life! I ditched the hard plastic and used some awesome lightweight nylon. It's soft, safe, and super fun for all dogs, big or small.

So, if you're down for some epic fetch sessions with your furry buddy, give FETCH A LOT a try. Logan and I think it's pretty rad, and we hope you and your dog will too! 🐶


**Why Our Nylon Frisbees Are Better for Your Dog**

**1. Lightweight Design:**
Our nylon frisbees are significantly lighter than traditional plastic frisbees. This makes them easier for your dog to catch and carry, reducing the risk of strain or injury to their mouth and neck. The lighter weight also allows for smoother, longer flights, keeping your dog engaged and active during playtime.

**2. Enhanced Durability:**
Unlike plastic frisbees, which can crack, chip, or shatter, our nylon frisbees are built to withstand light chewing and rough play. The durable nylon material resists general wear and tear, ensuring a longer lifespan for the toy. This means fewer replacements and better value for money.

**3. Safety:**
Nylon frisbees are gentler on your dog's mouth compared to harder plastic alternatives. The softer yet sturdy material reduces the risk of injury to your dog's teeth and gums, making playtime safer and more enjoyable. This is especially important for dogs with sensitive mouths or dental issues.

**4. Superior Flight Performance:**
Our nylon frisbees are designed for better aerodynamic performance. They offer more stable and predictable flight patterns, making it easier for you to throw and for your dog to catch. This enhances the overall play experience, keeping your dog entertained and active.

**5. Easy to Clean:**
Maintaining our nylon frisbees is simple. They can be easily rinsed off to remove dirt and slobber, ensuring that they remain clean and hygienic for your dog. This convenience means less hassle for you and more fun for your pet.

In summary, our nylon frisbees offer super performance, durability, and safety compared to traditional plastic frisbees. They are designed to enhance your dog's playtime, providing a more enjoyable and long-lasting toy for your furry friend.